Part 132: Episode XII: 2400
Shall we resume?Episode XII: 2400 -

We have more territory than anyone else after the woeful start. Just bizarre. The ships I built were mostly wasted -- just one Klackon fighter-class was destroyed. But perhaps they served as a deterrent. And keeping the Klackons off from Cygni only delayed things and let the Sakkra have it ... though that was still useful given that I'd rather have the lizards get the system. It is another poor one also, so it's not worth crying over it that much. Bulrathi and Mrrshan we still haven't met yet. I've seen a couple Bulrathi ships, none of the Bears.

Sakkra and Klackons are still allies, and I haven't got anything good enough to tempt either one to break that arrangement. This is the biggest problem, by far.

The Sakkra already have Class V shields, and appear to have deployed something close to that level. Our weapons are obsolete, and so will this Gatling Laser be. Fighting isn't an option.

Until an opportunity presents itself to make peace, the pressure on Berel will continue. Their fleet has grown in orbit here, and is enough to do more damage(a couple million pop, about 10 factories a year). We can grow that many, but the transports are starting to flow and more ships will arrive in a few years. I think we have less than a decade to make peace or lose the system. Bolstering ourselves elsewhere might be the best we can manage.
26 Sakkra transports landed on Berel the next year, taking about 35M defenders with them. They have Zortrium Armor, but otherwhise are equally equipped.

With the Gatling Laser in, we need help for our bases and something cheap. Hyper-X Rockets are the obvious choice.

Of course you are. I'm wondering just now how much of this has to do with the pirates, which I still haven't managed to eliminate.

There's still no trade to disrupt, but at least the job is nearly done. Meanwhile the Sakkra-Klackon alliance is gone ... but they are both joined with the Meklar. It's going to be really hard to get peace here.

We finally manage this, although it may be too late for Berel. The only remaining lizard alliance is with the Mrrshan. Klackon-Meklar still allied and still at war with us. This cost all three techs we could offer(Deuterium Fuel Cells, Tundra Colonizing, Industrial Tech 9). A bargain at 10 times the price though. A trade deal of 400 BC will hopefully secure it ... if we can finish off the pirates. Sauron is even willing to sign a NAP.

Finally, in 2408. We can get rid of the now-useless Space Gulls built only for this purpose over the last 15 or so years. This was fairly expensive. Planetary transfers to developing colonies are now almost finished as well. Growth should be able to accelerate. And on that note ...

Imagine how good we'd look if Proteus hadn't been utter crap. Time to see who has what.
** Sakkra(4) -- Abstain. I thought we might get them on our side.
** Klackons(10) -- Nearly a veto bloc.
** Bulrathi(4) -- Kaxal. Allies I think.
** Mrrshan(2) -- Kaxal.
** Meklar(5) -- Kaxal. That gives them 21 votes.
We have 8 votes. Clear second place. And the final tally is 21 out of 22 needed for Kaxal. I survive ... narrowly. And of course abstain. If I hadn't made peace with the Sakkra, it would now be over. There's still a diplomatic mountain to climb, but paths to both military and Council victory remain. I've got to hope I can grow enough to stave off defeat in the next vote ... or split off the Meklar so they will at least abstain.
At Berel, the Sakkra fleet remains in orbit, but no more transports are coming and the bombardments have stopped. Just by the hair of our chin, we maintain our empire without losing anything so far. That's a win.

Uxmai requires attention now. The question is whether's it worth building a capital-sized Colonizer to reach it. Answer: we need everything we can get. It's within range of the Meklar and I have to think they come for it eventually. Altair will require 12 years to build it -- hopefully the system isn't taken from us by then. We aren't getting more range anytime soon.

A step backwards in the diplomatic arena. We gave the Sakkra our reserve savings(700 BC) and Gatling Laser, the only things they were interested in -- but they still wouldn't break the renewed alliance. The next year, they signed one with the Meklar as well. The Klackons and Meklar have made no moves to attack, but it's not looking good for our efforts to achieve peace. 2410, 15 years till the High Council votes again. Right now, they'd almost certainly give Kaxal the crown.
Two years later, the Klackons dissolve their alliances with the other two. Time to get our bribe game on. ECM I and Industrial Tech 9 are enough to secure peace ... and a trade deal(425 BC).

This looks a lot better now -- but that Sakkra-Meklar alliance is still in force, and is enough to cause everything to unravel. So far the lizards have not been willing to break our agreements. Maybe their Pacifistic code is finally kicking in. The current trade deficit is rather sizable; an eighth of the economy currently goes to setting up the necessary infrastructure. These deals better hold.
2417: The Meklar-Sakkra Alliance goes away. INT-286 drives a hard bargain, refusing peace even with relations at Neutral and four tech bribes having been given. Most aren't as good as what they already had, but still. Bastards. The Sakkra in particular are snatching up hostile planets that we can't acquire -- both they and the Meklar have Toxic tech.

It's the most expensive option, but I'm going with Reduced Waste 60% here. We just got Industrial Tech 8, and the repair system wouldn't help us right now. Ecology spending is still way too significant, around 30% on developed systems.

Uridium(Range 8) or Fusion are next. We just keep improving our speed; the range isn't useful at this point. Haven't missed a single engine upgrade yet, but I've missed most of the rest of the propulsion tree.

We made it! It's too late for it to make a difference in the next vote, but if we survive that one it will matter more.

The Sakkra had the same 4 votes as before, as do the Klackons. The galaxy gained three overall though.
** Bulrathis(4) -- Abstain
** Mrrshan(3) -- Kaxal. This seems to be a more permanent association.
** Meklar(6) -- Kaxal. As expected, and they are +1 this cycle.
We are +1 to 9 as well, and also abstain. Kaxal got only 19 of 36 this time, just over half. The situation is looking a lot more stable with all the abstentions. I feel at this point that I've gotten my teeth into the game and have a solid chance at victory. It'll be a long climb up the tech ladder to the point where we can fight effectively, but engines are good enough to support the spoils of war strategy already if conflict breaks out among the others before we want to join it, which it probably will. Diplomatically I might get the Sakkra on our side, but I'd need more than that to win. There's still that possible path though.

Or, Kaxal could just throw a fit over us not handing him the victory. Real reason is that they signed a new Meklar alliance.